Monday, June 6, 2011

Currently reading "Divine Intervention" by Hazel Courteney

I can't remember how I stumbled across this book (full title, "Divine Intervention: The Most Controversial True Story of Spiritual Contact and Enlightenment You Will Ever Read"), but I picked it up for a very good price at and I'm finding it to be a real page-turner.  I started reading it last night and stopped only because it was time to go to bed.

The basic premise of this book is that the spirit of Diana, Princess of Wales, initiated after-death contact with a holistic health journalist whom she had previously met only casually.  Ms. Courteney seems to have been specifically selected by Diana to tell her story.  After experiencing a range of severe and seemingly physical trauma (which she calls a "spiritual crisis")--which, in retrospect, obviously mirror the injuries that Diana suffered in her fatal car accident--Ms. Courteney begins to receive direct-thought communications from "Diana."

In order to accept this story, the reader has to make a massive leap in belief: That Princess Diana would communicate in this way, and that Ms. Courteney is the chosen channel for it.  However, I know that such things are possible, and for now, I haven't found any reason to disbelieve it.

I was drawn to this book because, in the fourteen years since Diana's death, I have always wondered what her last moments were like.  And like the millions who were traumatized by her death, I left with more than the usual number of unanswered questions: there were too many loose threads left hanging.  The worldwide trauma that resulted from her death suggests that there is more to the story than we consciously know, and certainly more than we were told.  Will this book answer these questions?  And more importantly, will it answer them credibly?  I will let you know.

I generally don't pay much attention to mediumship accounts, mostly because there's no way to verify the information.  And most of the public, televised, and book-publishing "mediums" (you know who they are) are probably bogus.  But Ms. Courteney strikes me as different.... mostly because she does not strike me as being "that" sort of medium.  She did not have a career as a medium, and although she is a writer, "Divine Intervention" reads like a publication sorely in need of an editor. It's well-written but unpolished; which, strangely enough, makes to story told more believable.


  1. This is the best book I have ever read that has convinced me of a life aft death. Hazel Courteney is a very down to earth, normal, person of high integrity. I was 'led' to this book at a time when I believed that when you are dead you are dead. It was written so well that it was as if Hazel were speaking to me. I just found her totally believable. By printing this book Hazel actually ruined a fantastic career and was ridiculed. It can be bought very cheaply from Amazon and you must judge for yourself. But a lot of what Hazel was told, I'd, young people having a lot of trouble with sexual identity and warnings about climate change, are all coming true. I have since bought and read about 50 other books after divine intervention, including the 2nd and 3rd follow books, but no book has ever come near the impact that the first reading of Divine Intervention had on me.

    1. After reading the book, I did some checking, and by all appearances, Hazel Courteney never tried to capitalize on her brief mediumship experience. I remember thinking that she essentially disappeared--no flashy mediumship websites or speaking tours. So I decided that she was the real deal. I just checked, and her book is on the Kindle for a good price, so I think I'll re-read it.

    2. I've bought it "again" for the Kindle and am looking forward to a second read. I will probably see different aspects of the book than I did five years ago. I have noticed that when notable figures of the establishment write a book of this type, there emerges an irrational mob of attackers who quickly coalesce and destroy the author... This (in my opinion) is what happened to Eben Alexander. This is usually a marker that the writer is telling an uncomfortable truth. This doesn't happen with books and writers that are bogus.

      I actually recorded the whole several-hour live broadcast of the funeral. The death of Princess Diana was a profound world-wide obsession that's difficult to imagine now. In retrospect, it's clear that it was a "mass event" on multiple levels with lessons for each person who experienced it.
