Sunday, July 29, 2012

Phil Imbrogno

I was very surprised by an email today informing me of "Philip J. Imbrogno's new book: Haunted Files from the Edge: A Paranormal Investigator's Explorations into Infamous Legends & Extraordinary Manifestations." Already it's garnered a negative review on, even though it hasn't been published--warning potential buyers that Imbrogno has "embelleshed his credentials." Notably, it is being published by Llewellen, who indicates that Imbrogno "is a recognized authority in the field of UFO research.... He is a retired educator who spent thirty years teaching science."

It will be interesting to see if it sells. But mostly I'm surprised at Llewellen for publishing it, even though the editors are quite aware of Imbogno's "embellishment." Why are they publishing it? Fabricating your educational credential will (or should) disqualify you from publishing in any of the established arts and sciences fields. But not in the paranormal field--because there are no qualifications for being a paranormalist.


  1. He knows the market very well and most of it won't have a clue that he's a proven liar. In fact, I wonder exactly how much his reputation will even affect sales? Surely most folk that opt for this kind of book are interested in weird tales and don't care about author credentials?

    Llewellen might be caught in a contract and thus have to honor it. Imbrogno could have a book or two outstanding and forced them not to renege. If we're accurate, 'paranormal' has never quite equated to 'non-fiction' and perhaps that prevented them from kicking his ass to the kerb?

    Or...they're as ethical as Phil and literally don't give a rat's ass as long as units are shifted. In a sense, much of the market are looking for quick thrills and don't necessarily take these books really seriously. If Phil needs to subsidise his income, does it matter at all that he's a fantasist?

  2. Reminds me of another New Age author who in 2009 was proven as a plagiarist. Publishers obviously do not care, but they should. Contractual obligation is true, but future contracts should state their books will be dropped if plagiarism is involved/proven later on. They shouldn't sell their books. These authors have zero integrity, and not much to share with the world IMO. It is also shocking how many people do not investigate things they read or hear.

  3. Llewellen publishing is a joke and only want to make their money. They'll print anything that will sell a few copies. They know all about Imbrogno's false credentials, and the fact that Imbrogno told everyone he was a Green Beret Special Forces officer in Vietnam - all BS. The veterans have been looking for this pos since he went underground - maybe they should just pick an easier target, like his enablers at Llewellen.

  4. Umm, generally, all publishing companies (if they want to stay in business) attempt to make money.
