Thursday, November 3, 2011

Whitley Strieber's past lifetime hypnosis regression

The major reason that I sprung for an subscription was to download Whitley Strieber's hypnosis session, where he is regressed to an apparent past lifetime circa 200 AD, in Rome. I am fascinated with that era--not really for religious reasons, but for historical ones--but historical records, especially relating to the nascent Christian religion, are few and far between.

Seth once said that if you could hop into a time machine and go back to the first century AD, you probably would not find much of what you would expect to find, if your source of history was the New Testament. I suspect that this is correct--but I would still like to try. Barring a discovery of a second Dead Sea Scrolls, we have few resources that could inform us about this period, except unconventional ones--the most unconventional being that old bugaboo, hypnosis, to plumb what purports to be past lives.

I won't wade into the hypnosis debate, except to notice that there appears to be some interesting parallels between hypnotically-retrieved material, and dreams. Some of the information retrieved from these sources is strikingly valid and prescient, and some of it seems pure fantasy--no correspondence at all to physical reality. Most serious students of the paranormal don't have the patience or desire to sort out what from what.

Still, I think that it's intriguing, even if, in the end, it's not "true."

So, was the Strieber hypnosis session worth the subscription? I would say that it was--despite all the caveats. My primary quibble with the session is that hypnosis was apparently induced over the phone; second, it was induced by a practitioner who is not, to my knowledge, medically certified to conduct what should be a medical procedure.

Despite all this, what resulted was very interesting. But I want to compare it to two other interesting sources: "Seth Speaks," and the remote view by Joe McMoneagle, and come back with a more informed opinion of it.

The questions I am forming is this: What if there really was an advanced being known as Jesus, born when and where history tells us he was--but that much of the true record of that period has been lost, distorted, or deliberately altered? What events, then, could explain how an obscure Jewish sect could, within a couple of centuries, subsume the Roman empire and become a persistent world religion lasting two thousand years?

What we've been officially given as history of this period--the "New Testament"--really does not explain this phenomenon... which is why many Biblical scholars identify themselves as agnostic.

The Whitley Strieber hypnosis session--for all its methodological flaws--gives hints of what might have really happened, and what it means.

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