What I do, instead, is focus on individual accounts of communication from normal experiencers. Back in the old days, Fate magazine published many impressive "survival" communication accounts in their "My Proof Of Survival" column. Today, the best (and as far as I know, the only) source for these accounts is Dr. Jeff Long's ADCR.org site, where readers can anonymously upload their experiences. Taken collectively, these accounts suggest several broad themes:
Communication with survival personalities is strictly controlled by some force, order, rule, or government. Those who have "passed over" can communicate with the living only if it's allowed. There seems to be a hierarchy of sorts that processes and facilitates these requests;
Earth-bound personalities can annoy the living, but can't communicate with them;
The living can always communicate with those passed over, but the the specific recipient may not be able to, or allowed to, respond;
Those who have passed over may be at different "levels" during any given communication attempt and sometimes may be "busy" and not able to communicate at all;
Those who have passed over may be very proficient at communicating with the living, or very inept; the inept communicators usually have a facilitator or guide;
Communication is almost always made when the experiencer least expects it--during sleep, or during a dream or daydream. The conscious ego apparently needs to be "turned off" for the communication to occur.
I personally believe that there is a sort of consciousness hierarchy that is always attempting to communicate with the living. This hierarchy consists not just of the "dead" but of "guides" and other interested parties. Many of us who pass on become part of this hierarchy and assume a role in the continued guidance of the living. My next post will examine an evidential ADC with a number of veridical details.