The first two volumes of The Early Sessions have just come out in Kindle format. I bought the paperback versions a while back (paying a pretty penny for them, since they were obtainable only from the publisher). Why are they notable? They flesh out and extend many of the dialogs that ultimately went into the early Seth books, and putting these early sessions in full context makes them a bit more comprehensible and easier to digest. I am hoping that ultimately all of the Seth material is ebooked, for an important reason--I can finally find what I'm looking for, and not rely on the memory of what I might have read twenty or so years ago. And more often than not, any memory of what I read long ago is quite different from what I discover to actually be there. Very strange, and very puzzling--there's never any sense of déjà vu with the Seth stuff; I'm always reading it like it's the first time I've seen it.