Thursday, September 2, 2010


Been thinking a lot today.  No, not about one of my fav Ben Folds songs; about dreams. In a recent Paratopia (not sure which one, but it was recent), Jeremy Vaeni went to some length downplaying the entertainment value of dreams. He's touched on this a few times before, so I imagine that it's a pet peeve of his. And everyone has a pet peeve. (Mine is Ramtha.)

Regrettably, he's probably right. The dreams of most people are boring because, well, the minds and lives of most people (I won't exclude myself) are boring.

Having kept a fairly complete dream journal for, well... a long time, I can think of only a handful of my dreams that would interest the general public.

Which is not to say that I haven't learned a lot. It's just that dreams--and here is my Joseph Campbell moment--essentially compose a personal mythology, and personal myths rarely translate well for anyone else but that person.

The paucity of merit that plagues much New Age-think is down to that--some Joe Schmoe who, a time or two, had a supernatural insight and thought to parlay this into a universal revelation.

Add that to the fact that most minds--conscious or otherwise--are largely unexamined, and we have a lethal combination of inexplicability masquerading as revelation.

Even brilliant writers fall prey. As many excellent words as have been pinned by Whitley Strieber, my first thought on completing "The Key" was that he should have taken a step or two away from the subject matter and written something better.  Because, to me, much of what his mysterious stranger attempts to reveal, really doesn't make a lot of sense to me, and the part that does, causes me to disbelieve him.  "The Key" is a personal revelation that may, or may not, have universal application.

This is all very subjective, I realize. I've spent years studying the Seth material because I find value there. Many people dismiss the Seth material as indecipherable.

The handful of my personal dreams that I think might be interesting fall into two categories: My precognitive ones, because they prove (to me) that the concept of time that we are taught by classic science is very flawed; and my dream encounters with the dead, because the information that I've been given in them proves (to me) that consciousness survives.  Would these dreams interest anyone else? Maybe.

I can say, however, that in my extensive dream study, I have had to radically adjust my beliefs about physical life and how our world operates, and I think I can persuade skeptics who are wedded to the classic materialistic worldview that there is an alternative.

Just like every other New Age-think person.

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